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第一篇 感悟人生的真谛 The Patch of Life/人生的补丁 The Rainy Season of Your Life/人生的雨季 Life Is a Process of Making Honey/人生是酿蜜 Life Is a Handful of Candy/人生是一把糖果 The Tent of Life/人生的帐篷 Life Lies in Persistence/人生在于坚持 The Three Boxes of Life/人生的三只箱子 The Philosophy of a Mirror/一面镜子的人生哲理 The Law of Life Grandma Taught Me/奶奶教给我的人生准则 The Best Time of My Life/我一生中最好的时光 A Miracle Changes Life/奇迹改变人生 The Inquiry of Life/问人生 First Change Yourself/改变人生从自己做起 The Dignity of Life/人生的尊严 Life Has the Time to Bloom/人生都有开花的时间 The Ebb and Flow of Life/人生的涨落 The Journey of Life Starts from the Set Goal/人生之旅从选定目标开始 Life Also Has the Crossroad/人生也有歧路 The Clock of Life/生命的时钟 A Promise of Flowers/鲜花的承诺 Life Is the Cookie/生命就是小甜饼 The Best Nourishment of Life/生命中最好的养料 The Worth of Life/生命的价值 The Coordinates of Life/人生的坐标 The Lubricating Oil of Life/人生的润滑油 The Height of Life/人生的顶点 Life Is an Opportunity/人生是一次机遇 The Orientation of Life/人生的定位 The Draft of Life/人生的草稿 The Life in a Child'S Eyes/孩子眼里的人生 Look at the Life from a Different Angle/换个角度看人生 The Art of How to Hold Life/把握人生的艺术 Follow the Rmnbow of Life/追寻人生的彩虹 Life Is Only a Test/人生只是一场考试 Lower Your Height/降低人生高度 The Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division of Life/人生的加减乘除 The Jigsaw Puzzle of Life/人生的拼图 Position Your Life/定位你的人生 The Punctuation of Life/人生的标点 Life Is a Symphony/人生是一曲交响乐 The Splashes of Life/人生的波纹 Life Is Like a Bird/人生如飞鸟 God'S Boxes/上帝的盒子 What Will Matter in Life/人生重要的是什么 A Creed to Live by/人生的信条 The Perfect Life/完美人生 Life Lies in Believing in Yourself/人生在于相信自己第二篇 感受一生的幸福 The Direction of Happiness/幸福的方向 The Uncared—for Happiness/被忽略的快乐 The Catalogue of Happiness/人生幸福的目录 Happiness Is a Choice/幸福是一种选择 Don't Keep Happiness away from Us/别让幸福远离我们 The Secret of Happiness/幸福的秘密 The Ways of Happiness/幸福的方式 Happiness Doesn't Need a List/幸福不需要列单子 The Boy Who Cupped the Sunshine in His Hands/手捧阳光的男孩 Where the Sun Always Rises/太阳总在那里升起 Keep Walking in Sunshine/常常走在阳光里 The Sunshine Within/胸藏阳光 The Sunshine in the Dew/露水里的阳光 The Sunshine over Their Heads/阳光就在自己头顶 The Love of a Hunchback/驼背的爱情 Where Is Happiness/幸福在哪里 I Choose to Be Cheerful/我选择快乐 The Mystery of Happiness/幸福的奥秘 Make way for the Others'Happiness/给别人的幸福让道 The Power of a Smile/微笑的力量 What Does Happiness Come from/幸福来自什么 Happiness Is a Flow of Air/快乐是一种流动的空气 The Source of Happiness/幸福之源 Happiness is a Feelin9/幸福是一种感觉 Bring Happiness Home/带快乐回家 Happiness is a Bowl of Water/幸福是一碗水 The Light of a Smile/微笑的光芒 The Essence of Happiness/幸福的本质 Happiness Is Like the Sunshine/幸福像阳光一样 Happiness is the Scent of Soul/幸福是灵魂的香味 World of Smiles/微笑的世界 The Value of Smile/微笑的价值 The Wooden Gate of Happiness/幸福的柴门 The Law of Happy Life/幸福生活的定律 The Door to Happiness/幸福之门 Happiness Lights Your Life/幸福点亮人生 You Have Only One Life/你只有一次生命 Get a Thorough Understanding of Yourself/彻悟自己第三篇 感谢生活的恩赐第四篇 每个人都可以成功第五篇 感情自然的力量第六篇 最伟大的母爱第七篇 最深沉的父爱第八篇 享受真爱第九篇 让你的心灵充满阳光第十篇 赞美改变人生


第一篇 感悟人生的真谛The Patch of LifeNot long ago,my daughter's frosting shoes were scratched by someone's knife.She burst into tears.I took the shoes to the shoemaker to get them repaired.The young apprentice glanced at the opening and said,“there is nothing I can do but to replace the upper.”His master looked at them and said to me,“If you trust me,1 will add more scratches on both of the shoes.”I was confused and asked why.He explained.“As if the openings were made on purpose for the sake of special style and reuse.”I didn't fully understand him,but I decided to leave the shoes.Two days later I dropped by from work to fetch the shoes.At the first sight l found they were indeed five or six more scratches on each shoe,but all the openings were patched by soft leather in rust red with edges sewed by thick hemp thread;the stitches were twisted with the appearance of roughness and plainness which was in accordance with the quality of frosting leather,more unique and interesting than ever.I couldn't help making compliments on the master's craftsmanship.Another time,my wife's sister's white blouse was tom a large opening on the back.My wife took it over and checked carefully.and then said.“Let me take it home and mend it.”Three days later,seeing the blouse again,I was shocked:all the cracks and openings were sewed up by thin and white thread and they took on a look of branches,like the ice crystal on winter's branches in the north.In order to intensify the effect,she attached a fatty snowman and a cabin made of flowery cotton rags on the shirt.I sighed with praise,“It's just as beautiful as a piece of art!”“I was inspired by that craftsman.Patches are supposed to be a regret,but a skillful craftsman can make it take on a kind of perfection,”replied my wife.Her words inspired me even more:perfection is impossible to achieve in everythin9;patches are unavoidable,so is human's life,which will appear in the form of injury,disability or disease.Since you can't change the existence of wound,you should not expect people's sympathy by exposing the wound,which reveals nothing meaningful.All you can do and have to do is to suture the wound by patches and try your best to bloom a most beautiful flower on the wound,and that is the significance of life. 人生的补丁不久前,女儿的磨砂鞋被人用刀子划了几道。她失声痛哭。我把鞋子拿到补鞋店去修。年轻的学徒看了一眼上面划的口子,说:.“除了换鞋帮,我无能为力。”他的师傅看了看鞋子,对我说:“你要是相信我,我就在两只鞋上再划几道口子。”我百思不解,问为什么。他解释说:“这样看起来那些口子仿佛是刻意而为,会显得别具一格,还能再穿。”……

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